We’ve all heard the word vaccines. Did you know your pup has a list of important vaccines they should receive? By one year, they should have their first round of core vaccines. Here’s why!
What is a vaccine and why is it important?
Vaccines are a substance used to encourage the making of antibodies and provide immunity against one or several diseases. A vaccine typically contains a weakened or killed form of a virus or disease-causing germ. The purpose of a vaccine is to stimulate the body’s immune system to recognize the pathogen as a threat and kill it. So, when you come across a real virus the body will instinctively know how to attack the germ and destroy it.
Deadly or over-vaccinating?
Did you know dogs do not need to have vaccines given to them once a year? It is recommended by veterinarians and professionals that vaccines are administered every 3 years! Reactions can range from fever to seizures to autoimmune disease to anaphylactic shock and even death. But it’s also possible that shots given to an unhealthy dog can fail to provide immunity. If your dog has received all round of regular vaccines at least within a 5-year period, you could be authorized to stop vaccinating. In the end, your vet knows the complete medical history of your dog. However, no matter the age of your pet your county will still require a rabies vaccine according to local laws unless they are exempt for medical reason.
I am not a veterinarian, this blog is written and based upon personal encounters and research. 😊